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British Columbia Heat Warnings Take Precautions And Stay Safe

British Columbia Heat Warnings: Take Precautions and Stay Safe

Heat Warnings Issued for Several Areas of BC

Environment Canada has issued heat warnings for parts of British Columbia, including Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island.

Due to a high-pressure ridge moving into the province, temperatures are expected to rise significantly and may result in heat warnings. The provincial government has also launched the BC Heat Alert and Response System (BC HARS) to help ensure people stay safe during the hot weather.

The latest heat warnings stretch across most of BC, including Metro Vancouver, eastern and central Vancouver Island, and the Interior. Environment Canada urges residents to take precautions to stay cool and hydrated, such as drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding strenuous activity during the hottest hours of the day, and seeking out air-conditioned spaces.

British Columbia's hot spot on Sunday was Lytton, BC, which reached a temperature of 36.9°C. There is concern that the heat in some areas could reach into the mid-30s and even higher. The Province has launched the BC Heat Alert and Response System (BC HARS) to help ensure people, First Nations communities, and local governments have the information they need to stay safe during hot weather.
